For a Friend by Lauren Mercer
Orange surroundings
Awaken in your sheets,
Folded in between blankets of mist
fawns frolic in a meadow full of flowers you must have planted in a previous life
Tracing outlines of a timepiece in the sky
Moving days like flowers growing on a vine
Creeping up that brown house
They make their way inside to hold you close and keep you safe
Hoping your life is as kind as they imagine a god to be
Today is a special day
Granted a lavender evening
Out the window moonlight refracts off the midnight water’s surface
Floating in your direction engulfing you in warmth,
where a woman is pointing at you in harmony with the violet rays of light.
She’s smiling because your happy
And she’s there in your happiness
I think of all the time I have to spend with you
Rolling hills we sit atop watching evening stars
And in the night the stars scatter
fall upon your bed
Covered in gold dust you sleep softly in pleasant dreams that could last a lifetime
I hope you feel gentleness surround you
And fade into a deep sleep until tomorrow